Friday, January 21, 2005

12/9/97 Tuesday 8:33 pm

Dear Diary,
Right now I'm writing in you instead of doing my homework. How ironic is that?? I'll do it after this.
Anyways today we had gym and there was this really cool challenge course. There was the "Tunnnel of Love", a cargo net, donut, hockey, b-ball, etc. We had partners so I picked Noel Sibson as my partner. We, me and her, didn't get much gym time, because we had to return a library book.
You know Eric Hall?? Well of course you don't, but anyway he keeps looking at me, smiling, helping me with things, saying I'm nice, and his friends and he keep saying my name and pointing at me!! I wonder if it's LOVE! I'm kidding, it probably isn't, but still... Gotta go! Homework you see.
Love yours truly,
Nicolette Gamache

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