Friday, January 21, 2005

1/4/98 Sunday 8:24 pm

Dear Diary,
Notice that I put /98. It's because it's 1998. Bye bye 1997, HELLO 1998! It's Jan-U-ary!
Sorry, but it's been a full week or weeks actually. I've had lots lots to do, this included, of course.
I'll start from Christmas Eve and move on from there.
On x-mas eve at the Valley Inn they had this touch-screen game on T.V.s that were hooked together. I played 'em a lot. I got an art set, a porclein doll, vanity set (with trinket box included) and a piggy bank shaped like Minnesota.
That was pretty much it. Not alot this year.
On x-mas Kala and I woke up at 4:30 am like every Christmas morn', but Joe said, "GET BACK TO BED NOW!!" So we had to sleep 'till at least 7:00. Mom was up and we should have woke her up first, she would've let us stay up. Anyways, that was a conflict all day long. For x-mas I got a porclein doll, a book called Baby Alicia is Dying, clothes, glow-in-dark star, Battleship, rollerblades, make your own scrunchie hair set, nail polish, body glitter, Nintendo 64, makeup, a coat, gloves, a bunny(stuffed from Nikki), a backpack, pencils & bookmark with Pooh and his friends on them (from Heather) and that's about it, I can't think of anymore.
Now when my grandma came she got me backgammon, brown cordouroy jeans, a blue & brown vest to go with it. From Sean I got two tapes, and five pretty rings. One tape was called Come on Over by Shania Twain and one was called Spice by (of course) the Spice Girls. Steven got me a book called The Giver. And a Garfield bookmark.

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